Que hace el calcitriol en el hueso?

¿Qué hace el calcitriol en el hueso?

El efecto del calcitriol es inmediato, y cuando existe, revierte rápidamente la hipercalcemia. En estos casos, la administración de calcitriol hace que aumente la absorción intestinal de calcio, que mejore la osteítis fibrosa y la osteomalacia, y que disminuya el dolor de los huesos.

¿Cómo actúa el calcitriol en el metabolismo del calcio?

El calcitriol promueve la reabsorción renal de calcio, aumenta la absorción intestinal de calcio y fósforo, y aumenta la movilización del calcio y el fósforo del hueso hacia el plasma.

What does calcitriol stand for?

Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D, normally made in the kidney. It is also known as 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.It is a hormone which binds to and activates the vitamin D receptor in the nucleus of the cell, which then increases the expression of many genes. Calcitriol increases blood calcium (Ca 2+) mainly by increasing the uptake of calcium from the intestines.

What is the difference between calcitriol and cholecalciferol?

Synthesis: it is synthesis in the kidney from vitamin d3 (cholecalciferol).

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  • Effect of calcitriol:
  • Increase calcium&phosphate absorption and decrease magnesium absorption from the intestine.
  • Decrease parathyroid hormone secretion and synthesis.
  • It regulates (autoregulation) it production by kidney.
  • When to start calcitriol?

    – Age 65 or older. – Disabled. – End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

    What does the name calcitriol mean?

    cal· ci· tri· ol | ˌkal-sə-ˈtrī-ˌȯl , -ˌōl Medical Definition of calcitriol : a physiologically active metabolic derivative C27H44O3 of cholecalciferol that is synthesized in the liver and kidney and stimulates the intestinal absorption of calcium — called also 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol Learn More About calcitriol