Que cancer detecta el CA-125?

¿Qué cáncer detecta el CA-125?

Muchas mujeres con cáncer de ovario tienen altos niveles de CA-125. Esta prueba puede ser útil como un marcador tumoral para ayudar a guiar el tratamiento en mujeres que se sabe tienen cáncer de ovario, ya que un nivel alto a menudo desciende si el tratamiento está surtiendo efecto.

¿Cómo leer los resultados de CA-125?

El valor normal es menor de 46 U/ml. Si tu nivel de CA 125 es mayor que el normal, es posible que tengas una afección benigna, aunque también el resultado de la prueba podría significar que tienes cáncer de ovario, endometrial, peritoneal o en las trompas de Falopio.

What are the benign causes of elevated ca 125 levels?

Lets us now discuss the benign or non-dangerous conditions that may elevate the CEA 125 level. Benign Causes of Elevated CEA 125 level. Benign or non-cancerous causes are those which are relatively non-dangerous or are not life-threatening. These include: Endometriosis; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pregnancy; Uterine fibroids; Pancreatitis; Normal Menstruation; Liver disease; Diabetes Mellitus; Benign tumours of ovaries; Ovarian cyst. Can it be used as a screening method for ovarian cancer

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When to worry about CA-125?

Ca 125 is very non specific- it is not recommended to be done as a screening test. Only useful for somebody who has ovarian cancer and known to have related increased of ca 125 – to monitor response of teatment and as a follow up. If you’re worry about ovarian cancer-you need to see a gynecologist.

What will a CA125 test Tell Me?

The CA-125 test looks for certain proteins in your blood. Ovarian cancer can be the reason for these proteins, but other conditions can cause them to be in your blood as well. Your doctor may order a CA-125 test if you’re about to start treatment for ovarian cancer.

What is CA125 test used for?

CA 125 is used most often to monitor patients with a known cancer ( malignancy) or as one of several tests in the workup of a patient suspected of having a tumor. The most common use of the test is the monitoring of people with a known cancer that elevates CA 125 level, such as ovarian cancer.