Quien descubrio el mineral plata?

¿Quién descubrió el mineral plata?

En 1516 Juan Díaz de Solís descubrió en Sudamérica el mar Dulce que posteriormente Sebastián Caboto denominó Río de la Plata, creyendo que allí abundaba el precioso metal, y de donde tomará el nombre la Argentina.

¿Cuándo se descubre Chañarcillo?

En 1832, el descubrimiento del riquísimo yacimiento de plata de Chañarcillo, en las cercanías de Copiapó, generó un auge de la minería de plata que se prolongó en 1848 con el descubrimiento del mineral de Tres Puntas.

What happened to the original Elkington silver electroplating works?

The original Elkington Silver Electroplating Works, in Newhall Street in Birmingham, became the Birmingham Science Museum in 1951, until its closure in 1997. These items have been sold, and the description, image and price are for reference purposes only..

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Who is the founder of Elkington&Co?

The business was founded in 1815, by the uncle of George Richards Elkington (1801-65). On his uncle’s death George Richards Elkington became the sole proprietor and took in his brother Henry Elkington as a partner, changing the name to G. R. Elkington & Co.

When did Elkington&Co start making silver plates?

The presence of the «crown» dates this mark prior to 1898. Possibly this is a variation of 1887 mark Elkington & Co. are one of the most important names in English silver and certainly the most important in silver plate. They began life in Birmingham as a company of silversmiths in 1836, and experimented with improving gilding techniques.

How did George Richards Elkington become a sole proprietor?

On his uncle’s death George Richards Elkington became the sole proprietor and took in his brother Henry Elkington as a partner, changing the name to G. R. Elkington & Co. The business took out patents for the plating of articles in 1836, 1838 and 1840.