Como quitar la somnolencia por antidepresivos?

¿Cómo quitar la somnolencia por antidepresivos?

Fatiga, somnolencia

  1. Toma una breve siesta durante el día.
  2. Haz algo de actividad física, como caminar.
  3. Evita conducir u operar maquinaria peligrosa hasta que pase la fatiga.
  4. Toma tu antidepresivo a la hora de acostarte si tu médico lo aprueba.
  5. Habla con el médico para ver si es mejor ajustar la dosis.

¿Qué medicamentos producen insomnio?

10 tipos de medicamentos que pueden causar insomnio

  • Alfabloqueantes.
  • Betabloqueantes.
  • Corticoesteroides.
  • Antidepresivos ISRS.
  • Inhibidores de la ECA.
  • BRA (Bloqueantes de los receptores de la angiotensina II)
  • Inhibidores de la colinesterasa.
  • Antagonistas H1 (no sedativos) de segunda generación.

Can you take Cymbalta with other drugs?

Moderate duloxetine interactions signal that it is inadvisable to use Cymbalta with any of the listed medicines. The effects of duloxetine interactions with the following drugs can be potentially dangerous to health.

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What happens if you mix Adderall and Cymbalta?

The combination of Adderall and Cymbalta may also trigger serotonin syndrome development, a rare disorder. It can manifest with seizures, hallucinations, extreme blood pressure changes, fever, muscle spasms, and more. It can become potentially life-threatening.

What happens when you mix Cymbalta and weed?

The simultaneous use of duloxetine and weed can produce moderate to severe side effects. Both Cymbalta medication and cannabis display CNS- and respiratory-depressant properties, which can turn hazardous when the substances are combined.

Is it safe to take Cymbalta and Imitrex together?

Moreover, sequential use of the drugs must be carefully monitored since prolonged duloxetine half-life can make the medicines interact even after the patient stops taking Cymbalta. Imitrex: The concurrent use of Imitrex and Cymbalta can lead to shivering, mydriasis, ataxia, and vomiting.