Como es el sabor del vino Chardonnay?

¿Cómo es el sabor del vino Chardonnay?

Chardonnay es un vino de cuerpo ligero, con una impresionante gama de sabores ofreciendo un perfil cremoso con aroma a avellanas, miel y caramelo cuando ha tenido guarda en barrica, lo que le proporciona un distintivo aroma a mantequilla.

¿Qué quiere decir Chablis?

La definición de chablis en el diccionario es vino blanco seco producido en Baja Borgoña.

¿Cuántos grados de alcohol tiene el vino Borgoña?


Presentación Botella
Volumen neto 750ml
Tipo de tapa Corcho
Graduación alcohólica 11°GL
Temperatura sugerida de consumo Entre 6 a 7°C

What is Chablis wine made of?

Chablis, the wine, is 100\% Chardonnay. No other grape is allowed in the four Chablis Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée (AOC), and no one has seen the need to change that. The two meld together so well. The grapes prosper in the cool climate and clay-limestone soil, which results in possibly the purest Chardonnay on the planet.

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Why is Chablis so special?

Without its steep-sided valley and temperature moderation, the vines would not be able to flourish. What makes Chablis special? Chablis, the wine, is 100\% Chardonnay. No other grape is allowed in the four Chablis Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée (AOC), and no one has seen the need to change that.

Is Chablis closer to Champagne or burgundy?

The Chablis hierarchy Like all the regions of Burgundy, Chablis has a legally enshrined hierarchy based on the quality of the land and soil. The cool-climate region is actually closer to Champagne vineyards than more southerly, and slightly warmer, regions of Burgundy, which makes orientation critical.

What is Pas si Petit Chablis?

Petit Chablis is an attractive, light and fruity style of wine, crisp and ready to drink within a few months of harvest. The local cooperative, La Chablisienne, produces a wine it calls Pas Si Petit, or “not so little,” which sums up these inexpensive wines very well.